Monday 11 July 2011

Terrible Twos!

Toddlers get too much bad press on terrible twos and threes, however most of the time they are kind and brilliant children.  Toddlers are full of love and laughter, however their difficult moments like tantrums while out shopping, in the supermarket and eating out.  

I was blessed with my first child as he experienced no terrible twos and was a very laid back child however my second child like most other children is experiencing these challenging times, so these are my tips to tantrums.

If you keep positive and concentrate on the good times and the fun side of your child's life, you will help lift yours and your child's spirits, happy adults make even happier children.  Enjoy activities with them whenever you can like at the playground in the garden or even just watching a little bit of television together.

Tantrums are set off by things like frustration, hunger, tiredness, being refused somethings, wanting attention or even being told "no".  Or it could be that your child's emotions have boiled over, an over whelming feeling of frustration and anger that they cannot control.  If your child is not yet able to speak their emotions like my middle son, you will usually get tantrums when he cannot tell you what he wants or needs and this annoys him, so much he lashes out and you long for the day he can talk and tell you.

There are ways to avoid and deal with tantrums, to start you need to set a good example when ever a tantrum arises you need to be calm, If the child sees and feels you loosing control it will be harder for them to control their own feelings.  Give lots of praise and look for the warning signs of a tantrum this way you will be able to divert their attention elsewhere, some tantrums you may just need to walk away and let the child cool down however if the tantrum is in full flow this probably would not work.  (Experts say not to use the time out step or naughty step on children under the age of 18 months)

Once a tantrum has blown over don't go on about it, cuddle and make up!

Supermarket tips to avoiding tantrums, keep the trip as short as possible be organised and have a list of what you need and if you can have everything in order for example fruit and veg, frozen, fresh, ect, ect.  Take a distraction like a toy or a book, snacks and a drink are handy too.  Always let your child help give them the tea bags to put in the trolley, if they are older and walking along side you ask them to go and get the cereal for you, however never let them out of your sight.  If a tantrum does arise stay calm and come down to their level, tell them that this behavior is not good and if this does not stop them leave the shop and sit them down on a quiet bench until they have calmed down.  Taking them to a quiet place were they cannot be distracted can help them a lot, this also helps in restaurants too.  If you are worried about this happening half way through a shop, don't as a security guard or staff member at the front of the store are usually very understanding and will keep hold of your shopping while you are outside calming your child down.

Other than this enjoy these times as they will be over before you know it, and then you will have the Teens to deal with!

Happy Evening to you all. x

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